Gain new international accounts, increase revenue, and make your company look knowledgeable and competent in front of your current clients and prospects by being as smart and prepared in other languages as you are in English.

Experience the SALT difference, and communicate effortlessly. Each department in your corporation needs to run like clockwork, clearly and efficiently. All the materials in your organization were created by professionals for professional use, and our language professionals will take the same care in creating professional material in your targeted language, for your targeted culture, for professional use.


  • Partner with SALT and your human resources department will keep from using Workers’ Compensation because you will keep your employees and end-users safe. If you are already in the middle of a Workers’ Compensation claim, SALT can send interpreters to interpret for independent medical examinations (IEM) and help ensure clear, precise, and accurate communication for all parties involved.
  • Before, during, and after the hiring process, during company-wide meetings, staff training, compliance meetings, and onboarding meetings, our language specialists will interpret and translate your company material competently and accurately, the first time, ensuring that your potential employees understand the requirements of the job. You cannot afford to have an employee lose an appendage or get sick due to improper translation; we understand that just as well as you do.
  • As the link between your organization’s management and its employees, your user manuals and handbooks must be clear. If your manual’s register will not be understood in the target language, we will let you know so we can decide as a team how to change it. SALT is on your side, giving you language service by industry specialists so clear it’s as though it were originally created in the target language.


  • Are you sure you are not missing information that could win your case? If you are currently in litigation, have you understood all employees’ concerns fully, and have they understood you? With SALT on your side, you will never have to worry about this.
  • During litigation due to grievances and complaints from unionized employees, SALT interpreters will ensure that all parties are understood, providing accurate professional interpretation, and conveying everything in the same manner in which it was originally stated.
  • Team with SALT, and you will competently and accurately deliver labor policies and union contracts as well as negotiate collective bargaining agreements with the union and oversee the management of industrial labor relations in multiple languages.


  • Gain new international accounts, increase revenue and make your company look knowledgeable and competent in front of your current clients and prospects.
  • SALT linguists will guide you through the nuances of multiple languages and their corresponding cultures to become confident in a new international or cultural marketplace through a clear understanding of the cultural context in which your client conducts business.
  • Our professional language services will impress your international and multi-cultural prospects and key accounts in their language. SALT linguists can travel with you to meetings and site tours so you will always have competent language services at your disposal.


  • Don’t embarrass yourself – combine professional translation with professional transcreation for a winning multilingual marketing piece that is publication-ready when you receive it from us. We take care of the desktop publishing so you don’t have to.
  • Your marketing team spent countless hours and substantial resources putting together the perfect marketing piece. Translating your marketing material into another language should be no different. Our professional linguists go beyond translating the words in your material to translating the meaning, style, tone, and context through transcreation.
  • Create customer loyalty by educating your current customers about your product in their language.